关键词:玻化微珠复合保温板 墙体防火保温板 玻化微珠板 玻化微珠保温板
玻化微珠保温板憎水玻化微珠保温板 玻化微珠复合保温板 防水玻化微珠保温板玻化微珠复合保温板 玻化微珠隔热保温板
憎水玻化微珠保温板产品特点: [中信玻化微珠]
性 能 单 位 指 标
密度 kg/m3 ≤250
导热系数 w/m.k ≤0.076
重量含水率 % ≤5
抗压程度 Kpa ≥474
憎水率 % 99.2
使用温度范围 ℃ -40-600
检验项目 标准要求 检验结果
抗压密度 ≥294 299
长度(mm) 500+/-2 303
宽度(mm) 300+/-2 402
厚度(mm) (30-150)+/-2 99
重量含水率(%) ≤5 5
对角线 ≤10 7
Product Readme
The perlite separates the heat preservation board (FSG hatred water heat preservation board) is take the inflated pearlite bulk as an aggregate, joins the water-repellent and the cementing agent carries on the heat insulation waterproofing heat preservation board which working procedures and so on configuration, screening, compression formation, drying make. The FSG hatred water heat preservation board has solved each kind of building roofing heat preservation, the heat insulation and the waterproof function effectively in a body's technical difficult problem, saved the massive constructions and the service fund.
product characteristic:
The nature is light, and heat preservation heat insulation performance fine fire protection. Dustproof. Moisture-proof, does not distort the modification, not rottenly mildewy, the non-toxic tasteless hatred water performance to be good, hates Shui Lvke to reach above 98% to construct safely easy and feasible, the roofing and the wall surface glue may the natural ore be raw materials, has the good environment-protective.
Item Comparison
200号 250号 350号
Excellent Regular Excellent Regular Regular
LBD ≤200 ≤250 ≤350
Anti-stress intensity ≥0.40 ≥0.30 ≥0.50 ≥0.40 ≥0.40
Anti-break intensity ≥0.20 _____ ≥0.25 ______ _____
Heat conductiving ≤0.060 ≤0.068 ≤0.068 ≤0.072 ≤0.087
Moisture rate ≤2 ≤5 ≤2 ≤5 ≤10
Waterptoof Ratio >98
玻化微珠保温板广泛的应用于各建筑领域,是一个前景远大、方兴末艾的行业。 国内外玻化微珠矿占主导地位的用途是生产膨胀玻化微珠及其制品。目前我国玻化微珠外墙保温板的年产量已超过600万m3,占我国保温材料年产量的7%左右,是国内使用最为广泛的一类轻质保温材料。
1、 清理基层浮土、污垢,不可在墙体上浇水。
2、 墙体要求平整,误差不大于5mm,误差大于5mm时要用沙浆补平。
3、 玻化微珠复合保温板要根据其平整情况整块或半块放平抹灰,粘贴面选用带凹槽的平面(不带网格布的一面)。
4、 粘贴砂浆中水泥和组沙的配比为1:1,全部采用胶水用搅拌器搅拌均匀,砂浆厚度为3~5mm。
5、 胶水推荐采用国宝建筑材料科学研究院研制的GS胶水。
6、 玻化微珠复合保温板粘贴的垂直度和平整度按国家验收标准,粘贴48小时后进入下一道工序,粘贴时要先粘贴最下层保温板,粘贴时一定要垫牢,等其凝固后再贴上一层保温板,保温板采用满粘。
7、 玻化微珠复合保温板间隙采用网眼5mm×5mm宽度60mm的抗碱玻璃纤维网